Kirengo, Kenya
Recently awarded to our chapter, Kirengo is only about two miles south of Nyansakia and lies near the Tanazanian border. The community consists of four villages, with a total population of over 5,000 people! Recent climate change has increased the severity of droughts and lack of rainwater, forcing more and more residents to travel far in order to reach a neighboring river that is contaminated upstream.
EWB-UMD will make its first trip out to Kirnego in Winter of 2024, in order to gain vital information on the needs of the community, the terrain and water sources present, and potential solutions available.
Nyansakia, Kenya
EWB-UMD's first official first project as a chapter: Nyansakia, Kenya is part of the "Great Lakes Region" of Kenya. The community here does not have access to clean water, and at certain times of the year, there is not enough water to go around. Our goal is to bring clean water to the community year-round. Our chapter has visited the site twice, in 2019 and 2023, and has directed remote work in 2023 and 2024.
Following the activation of the pump in July 2024, the project is nearly completed! The chapter will be making a final trip in December of 2024 to inspect the integrity of the system and make sure the community is prepared to handle maintance.

Paraxaj, Guatemala
Two of our chapter members traveled with the University of Minnesota Twin Cities chapter to Guatemala in August of 2018 as a way to learn about the implementation trip process and gain field experiences with Engineers Without Borders.

Bertha's Community Garden
MAY 2021
As we were unable to travel abroad during Covid-19, we designed and built a rainwater catchment system for a local community garden which provides free fresh produce to a food desert in Central Hillside. EWB-UMD has continued to help maintain the garden, and as part of a mission to turn the garden into a local cultural center designed and constructed a pergola on its grounds.